Saturday, March 8, 2025

The Bronx @ Boulder Theatre, Boulder CO, 2003-06-21


Here is the 11 of 13 post on the way to post 666.  The countdown continues.

This time my 2nd time seeing The Bronx.  The 1st time was the night before in Denver.  Before big promotors were keen on proximity clauses bands would come to Colorado and do a 2 or 3 city run across the front range.  I loved it and would often catch all the dates.

This tour was with The Supersuckers and Throw Rag which was a hell of a kick ass line up.
I assume that this was the first time The Bronx had come to Colorado.  Matt complains about t he altitude which is a sure sign of a newbie to the state.  The Bronx are still at it and bigger than either of the bands they opened for on this tour these days.

Me and my buddy Tom were in good with the Throw Rag guys and probably got guest listed for this one.  They certainly helped us get our recording gear and mic stands in.  We even got a board feed on this night.  This Bronx recording is from the board and a cool fun listen.  But also illustrative of why a monitor feed can be not so great.  The mix is a bit all over the place before settling in for their first set.   I must have had a bad MD too because I had to cut the first 2 songs because a massive amount of  drop outs.

The Bronx

Boulder Theatre
Boulder CO (USA)

Recorded and Presented: SxPxDxCx
Source: SBD > Sharp 722 minidisc
Transfer: Sony MDS-JE330 - AAE-9 - Audition - CDWave - FLAC
Time: (22:26.41)

01 - intro -
Stop the Bleeding ^
I Got Chills ^
02 (fades in) False Alarm
03 They Will Kill Us All (Without Mercy)
04 Heart Attack American
05 Cobra Lucha
06 White Tar
07 Gun Without Bullets
08 Kill My Friends

^ these songs were played but they were ruined with a ton of drop outs on the recording.  I removed them from this set.

Thursday, March 6, 2025

Planes Mistaken For Stars @ Oriental Theatre, Denver CO, 2007-08-13


Here is the 12 of 13 post on the way to post 666.  The countdown continues.

This time a ferocious  Planes Mistaken For Stars set at the Oriental Theatre in Denver at the end of the summer of 2007.   I posted a June of 2007 PMFS show back in 2021.  This is the only other time that I recorded them.  I did see them a few more times after this.  

It all has come to a rather sad end with PMFS but I can't think of another band with a stronger posthumously released album than "Do You Still Love Me?"  If you are a fan and haven't heard that yet.  Drop what you're doing and go listen.

This was a free show on a Monday night.  I walked right in with a mic stand and flew them high for this set.  We got cool opening sets from California band Mystery Hang Up and locals 29th Street Disciples. Enjoy.

Planes Mistaken For Stars

Oriental Theatre
Denver CO (USA)

Recorded and Presented: SxPxDxCx
Source: MBHO KA-200N > JK Labs DVC-V12 > JB3 
Transfer: JB3 > USB > Audition > CDWave > FLAC 
Time (42:02.37)

01 Belly Full of Hell
02 Dying by Degrees
03 Pigs
04 Dancing on the Face of the Panther
05 To Spit a Sparrow
06 One Fucked Pony
07 Little Death
08 Spring Divorce
09 Say Not a Word

Thursday, February 27, 2025

Thrones @ Three Kings Tavern, Denver CO, 2008-05-31


I started this blog in September of 2009 as a outlet for all of my recordings.  Live recordings are certainly not everyone's thing so I don't get a lot of visitors, comments, or downloads even.  But over the years I have had plenty of people thank me for shows or doing what I do.  I appreciate that so much.  

Today starts the 13 post countdown to the 666th ThatsTheThingAboutThat post.  I have found some gems combing through the archive.  I look forward to sharing these with you in the coming months.

First up a 2008 recording of Joe Preston's project Thrones.  Joe had played with a ton of people over the years including Earth, Melvins, Men's Recovery Project, The Need, High on Fire, Harvey Milk, Sunn O))), and Sumac.  He came through Denver a few times in the aughts.

This was a fun show with locals Munimula and 19 AD opening up.  It starts off a little quiet and the crowd is a bit chatty but before long he turns it up and it sounds good I think.  Enjoy.


Three Kings Tavern
Denver CO (USA)

Recorded and Presented By: SxPxDxCx
Source: MBHO KA-200N - JK Labs DVC-V12 - JB3 
Transfer: JB3 - USB - Cooledit - CDWave - FLAC 
Time: (38:06.70)

01 Ephraim
02 unknown title
03 Hulder Maiden
04 Trmph Lfe
05 Wage War
06 Anguish Of Bears
07 Obolus

Thursday, February 20, 2025

Messa @ Hi Dive, Denver CO, 2024-05-16

Messa is an Italian heavy band. Self described as "Scarlet Doom".  It has a more delicate sensibility than what most people would think of when they conjure some doom to mind.  Not dissimilar to BIG|BRAVE who I posted not to long ago. Really loud to really quiet.

I always try to go see smaller touring bands that have come from out of the country and made it to Denver.  It is a undertaking and I appreciate it greatly.  My friend Matteo who is currently living in Italy insisted before he left that I go see Messa when they came.  I was immediately a fan.  Right up my alley.  Side note.  Maybe the most nicely dressed doom band I have ever seen.  No dirty converse shoes but fine leather boots.    They have all their stuff on bandcamp.  Go give them and other independent artists your support.

Pretty respectful crowd during the quiet parts.  I greatly enjoyed revisiting this show from spring of 2024.  Enjoy

Hi Dive 
Denver CO (USA)

Recorded and Presented: SxPxDxCx
Source: MBHO KA-200N - JK Labs DVC-V12 - M10 
Transfer: M10 - USB - Audition - CDWave - FLAC 
Time: (59:53.65)

01 - intro -
02 If You Want Her to Be Taken
03 Dark Horse
04 Suspended
05 Leah
06 - guitar solo -
07 Pilgrim
08 Rubedo

Saturday, February 15, 2025

The Muffs @ Ogden Theatre, Denver CO, 1995-04-25


Here is another of the 90s MarcR DATs,  This time a performance from The Muffs at the Ogden Theatre back on April 25th 1995.  I've never see a whole lot of Muffs recordings out there so I figured I would share this one.  They were part of a show with Fig Dish, and Veruca Salt.

The Muffs must have been up early on the bill.  The complain about all the +21 people being upstairs and the kids looking bored.  Kim has a lot of stage banter.    Guitar sound pretty good but the vocals are a bit buried.  

The Muffs

Ogden Theatre
Denver CO (USA)

Recorded: MarcR
Transferred and Presented: SxPxDxCx
Source: MarcR binaural mics - D7
Transfer: DAT master - D100 - Oade Digi I/O-A - DAC - AAE-9 - Audition - CDWave - FLAC
Time: (31:52.08)

01 You Stupid Jerk (Angry Samoans)
02 Agony
03 Lucky Guy
04 Saying Goodbye
05 I Need You
06 Sad Tomorrow
07 Laying on a Bed of Roses
08 Oh Nina
09 Red Eyed Troll
10 End It All
11 I Need a Face
12 Big Mouth
13 unknown title

Thursday, February 13, 2025

The Nomads @ The Starlight, Ft Collins CO, 1999-05-22


I had only started recording shows about a month before this one.  The Nomads from Sweden were part of a killer bill.  The were on the road with The Quadrajets and The Hellacopters!!!  I've posted both of those sets before but I was give a listen to the Nomads set the other day and figured I needed to get it posted up too.  Even if it is only 5 songs from their set on this night.

In the days of recording to minidisc you only had so much room so you had to manage to watch the time and swap out for new blanks.  Maybe I didn't have enough media to record their whole set.  

Sounds pretty decent for an early taping outing I think.  Killer band too. After revisiting this I went back and listened to a bunch of their studio stuff.  The Nomads started in 1981 and continue on to this day.

The Nomads

The Starlight
Ft Collins CO (USA)
partial capture of this set

Recorded and Presented: SxPxDxCx
Source: CSBs - Sharp 722 minidisc
Transfer: Sony MDS-JE330 - AAE-9 - Audition - CDWave - FLAC
Time: (15:26.44)

01 Bad Vibes (fades in)
02 Primordial Ooze
03 Ain't Yet Dead
04 unknown title
05 I've Seen Better

Sunday, February 9, 2025

No/Más @ Hi Dive, Denver CO, 2023-06-02


Some fast, angry, thrashy, grindcore is really hitting the spot right now.  No/Más is from Washington D.C. and kick some serious ass live.  Would defiantly go see them again if I get another chance.


Hi Dive
Denver CO (USA)

Recorded and Presented: SxPxDxCx
Source: MBHO KA-200N - JK Labs DVC-V12 - M10 
Transfer: M10 - USB - Audition - CDWave - FLAC 
Time: (22:11.12)

01 Verbal Abuse
02 Interrogation
03 Rabia
04 Sudor Frío
05 Sin Vergüenza
06 Mal De Ojo
07 Arson-Repent
08 Deny-Disgrace
09 unknown title
10 Spineless
11 Victim of Circumstance
12 Police Brutality
13 Hypothermia

Thursday, February 6, 2025

Jon Snodgrass & Buddies @ Ratio Beerworks, Denver CO, 2024-07-05


I've been a fan of Jon Snodgrass since the early aughts when I first saw Drag The River.  I worked backwards from their into the Armchair Martian catalog.  I saw Drag The River a whole lot over the years.  I am such a big fan we were going to have them play our wedding in 2008 but they broke up for awhile before hand so it never happened.  I did see them play at friends wedding a few years later.

I had already been planning on going to this Punk Rock Saves Lives benefit show anyway.  The line up was really great with Jon Snodgrass, Chad Price from Drag The River and All's new band The Chad Price Peace Coalition, SPELLS, Venomous Pinks, 1876, Middle Age Queers, and a some others.  Really fun day for a good cause.

Jon had messaged me the night before asking if I was coming out.  I said yes and he said "bring your tape recorder thingy, I think your going to want to capture something special tomorrow".  I thought that maybe him and Chad might play some songs together.  Wasn't sure.  Turn out Jon was joined at the end of his solo set by Greg Norton of Hüsker Dü fame for a set of Hüsker Dü songs!!!  Fun times for the small crowd that was their early.   

"This was an unrehearsed / impromptu set of  Hüsker Dü tunes" - Jon Snodgrass

I think this turned out pretty nice thanks to the tall umbrella that I used as a wind break and mic stand.

Jon Snodgrass
& Buddies

Ratio Beerworks - Overland
Denver CO (USA)

Recorded and Presented: SxPxDxCx
Source: AT933 - SP-SPSB-1 - M10
Transfer: M10 - USB - Adobe Audition - CDWave - FLAC 
Run time: (36:29.27)

01 - intro -
02 Tired & True
03 Your First Rodeo
04 Saturday Nite Movie Nite
05 Slugs
06 Backstage
07 That's A Wrap, On Humans
08 - interlude -
09 New Day Rising (Hüsker Dü)
10 Celebrated Summer (Hüsker Dü)
11 Don't Want To Know If You Are Lonely (Hüsker Dü)
12 Makes No Sense At All (Hüsker Dü)
13 It's Not Funny Anymore (Hüsker Dü)
14 - interlude -
15 Love Is All Around (Mary Tyler Moore Theme)

"This was an unrehearsed / impromptu set of  Hüsker Dü tunes" - Jon Snodgrass

Jon was joined by ,Greg Norton (Hüsker Dü), Jim Norton, Cory West, Anthony Medici, for the last half of the set & Jim Yelenick - vocals on track 15.  

Friday, January 31, 2025

Glass Hits @ Marquis Theater, Denver CO, 2012-08-04


So this is a special collaboration between myself and Greg Daniels of DropToPop Records.
I met Greg as the proprietor of his cool little shop, literally 88 sq ft, when I heard about a new record store downtown.  Turns out Greg ha played in bands for years.  Including Vaux and Glass Hits.

I got to know Greg better and it turned out he is a hell of a general contractor.  We hired him to work on our kitchen remodel and as I got to know him I mentioned I had a Glass Hits recording.  He was intrigued but skeptical.  I made him a copy this fall and we got to talking about putting it out on cassette.  Well that time has come.  Greg made a very limited run of these cassettes.  Hit his shop on North Broadway near downtown if you want one.  

If you just thought Glass Hits was a cool band I have downloads here and it is steaming on Youtube.  Good stuff. The opened up for Obits at this show.  Enjoy.

Glass Hits

Marquis Theater
Denver CO (USA)

Recorded and Presented: SxPxDxCx
Source: MBHO KA-500N - Niaant Littlebox - M10
Transfer: M10 - USB - Cool Edit - Audacity - CDWave - FLAC
Time: (20:41.73)

01 Combat Relic
02 Your Lack Of Planning Is Not My Emergency
03 The Gods Hate Lincoln, Nebraska And So Do I
04 Exit Strategies
05 Bleeding Ink
06 Labor Pains
07 Crawl

Big|Brave @ Hi Dive, Denver CO, 2023-08-13


This show was from the 1st Ghost Canyon Fest in 2023.  They put on a stellar line up of noise rock, experimental, post punk. noise, shoegaze, and unclassifiable bands.  2024 was a ton of fun and they have announced that they are going to do it again in 2025.  Can't wait to see the line up.

Big|Brave from Montreal Canada are a tough one to pin down to a genre.  They get the experimental tag which works just fine I guess.  They are heavy but not in a doom metal way really.  Except for the volume.  Robin Wattie's vocals are beautiful and angelic with some poetic lyrics.  That will be draped over some very delicate quite parts and then it shifts and sounds like a recording of an iceberg crushing the steel hull of a boat but an 1/4 speed.  I like their studio efforts a lot but this is a band that you need to experience live.  

As I said before I love this room and I think this turned out quite nice.  Enjoy.


Hi Dive
Ghost Canyon Fest
Denver CO (USA)

Recorded and Presented: SxPxDxCx
Source: MBHO KA-200N - JK Labs DVC-V12 - M10 
Transfer: M10 - USB - Audition - CDWave - FLAC 
Time: (46:08.05)

01 Carvers, Farriers and Knaves
02 The One Who Bornes a Weary Load
03 My Hope Renders Me a Fool
04 The Ten of Swords
05 A Parable of the Trusting
06 Moonset
07 - after set banter -

Thursday, January 23, 2025

Supagroup @ Larimer Lounge, Denver CO, 2006-09-20

I was in New Orleans last year for Halloween and we were in a rideshare on the way to our hotel.  Friendly driver was telling us about some history and weekend happenings.  The conversation drifted towards music and he made some suggestions about places to see jazz.  I thanked him and said I was hoping for a EYEHATEGOD or maybe Supagroup show. Something cool and local.  He got excited that I knew Supagroup and he said he had booked them at his bar back in the day.  

I saw Supagroup a bunch in the aughts.  They toured with Supersuckers and other like minded rock outfits.  Two brothers Chris and Benji Lee started the band and it looks like they still play the occasional show to this day.  The conversation in the lyft reminded me I had some recordings of them and I decided to share this one.  

From a 2006 tour they did with The Giraffes.  In Denver they played with killer local support from Black Lamb and Krakatoa.  Really fun night.  Enjoy.


Larimer Lounge
Denver CO (USA)

Recorded and Presented: SxPxDxCx
Source: MBHO KA-200N - JK Labs DVC-V12 - JB3 
Transfer: JB3 - USB - Cooledit - CDWave - FLAC 
Time: (47:00.63)

01 Ready To Go
02 Hot Times
03 Down To The Letter
04 Hog Wild
05 It Takes Balls
06 Rock And Roll Tried To Ruin My Life
07 Murder, Suicide, Death
08 Invincible Me
09 Bastard
10 Back By Popular Demand

Monday, January 20, 2025

Ben Folds Five @ Mercury Cafe, Denver CO, 1995-10-06

Here is another of the shows from the MarcR DATs.  This time a set from Ben Folds Five on October 6th 1995 at the Mercury Cafe in Denver.  They were opening for Heather Nova on tour for their first album.

Nice sound on this like on most MarcR recordings.  Enjoy.

Ben Folds Five

Mercury Cafe
Denver CO (USA)

Recorded: MarcR
Transferred and Presented: SxPxDxCx
Source: MarcR binaural mics - D7 - DAT
Transfer: DAT - D100 - Oade Digi I/O-A - DAC - AAE-9 - Audition - CDWave - FLAC
Time: (41:56.07)

01 Jackson Cannery
02 Uncle Walter
03 The Last Polka
04 Alice Childress
05 Wheres Summer B.?
06 Underground
07 Julianne
08 Best Imitation Of Myself
09 Song For The Dumped
10 Philosophy

Sunday, January 19, 2025

Whores @ Hi Dive, Denver CO, 2024-05-31


This was my first time seeing this awesome Atlanta noise rock band Whores.  I've been a fan of their albums for awhile now but some how never made it to a show.  This was a fun sold out night with Native Daughters and Suicide Cages on the bill.

Whores sounded great.  Setlist had "Bloody Like The Day You Were Born" on it but "Sicko" got played instead.  Will definitely go see these guys again the next chance I get.  Enjoy.


Hi Dive
Denver CO (USA)

Recorded and Presented: SxPxDxCx
Source: MBHO KA-200N - JK Labs DVC-V12 - M10 
Transfer: M10 - USB - Audition - CDWave - FLAC 
Time: (52:32)

01 Malinches
02 Fake Life
03 Quitter's Fight Song
04 Baby Bird
05 Cougars, Not Kittens
06 Straight Down
07 Participation Trophy
08 Sicko
09 Imposter Syndrome
10 I Am an Amateur at Everything

Saturday, January 11, 2025

Zen Guerrilla @ Bluebird Theatre, Denver CO, 2000-03-11

 Here is a rad show that I found on some other site.  A nice board mix recording of Zen Guerrilla back in March of 2000 at the Bluebird Theatre in Denver.  They opened up for Nebula at this show.

I didn't like the track splits on the original file set so I fixed that and tagged all the files with the correct info.  Fun show.  Been listening to this one a bunch.  Zen Guerrilla at the height of their powers. Enoy.

Zen Guerrilla 

Bluebird Theater
Denver CO (USA)

Recorded: unknown
Presented: SxPxDxCx
Source: Soundboard - Tascam DA-20mkII - DAT(M)
Lineage:  DAT(M) - DAT(1) - DAT(2) [48] - WAV [48] - WAV [44.1] - FLAC [44.1]
Transfer: Tascam DA-20mkII - M-Audio Audiophile 2496 - Sound Forge - CD Wave FLAC
Time: (44:43.08)

01 Saucerships To Ragtime
02 Trouble Shake
03 Slow Motion Rewind
04 Empty Heart (The Rolling Stones)
05 unknown title (You Got It All)
06 Magpie
07 Fingers
08 What I Got
09 Lipstick
10 Ghetto City Version
11 Moonage Daydream (Davie Bowie)

Compiled October 2018 by CPS
Seeded October 2018 to by CPS
Retracked and tagged in 2025 by SxPxDxCx

Thursday, January 9, 2025

Pueblo Escobar @ Three Kings Tavern, Denver CO, 2016-05-28 {RIP Luke Fairchild FID}

Here is another of Luke Fairchild's bands.  Pueblo Escobar were active from 2015-2017ish.  Not very long but they managed to record an album and played a fair amount of shows.  I saw them at least twice.

This show they opened up for Karma To Burn and The Obsessed.  Hell of a bill.  Pueblo Escobar sounded great and the FOH person gave them a ton of echo and reverb and Luke was loving it.  He thanks them mid set.  Enjoy.

Pueblo Escobar

Three Kings Tavern
Denver CO (USA)

Recorded and Presented: SxPxDxCx
Source : MBHO KA-500N - JK Labs DVC-V12 - M10 
Transfer: M10 - USB - Cooledit - CDWave - FLAC
Time: (33:46.34)

01 The Forgotten Pugilist
02 The Village
03 Border Lord
04 Ritual Humiliation
05 Autopsy

Tuesday, January 7, 2025

Split Lip Rayfield @ Aggie Theater, Fort Collins CO, 2006-09-31


I'm a huge Split Lip Rayfield fan and caught 2 of their 2006 Colorado shows on Kirk's last tour.  I must have downloaded this Ft Collins show from COTapers.  Not sure.  All these years latter I was cleaning out a stack of CDRs and DVDs with various stuff on them and ran across this show.

I pulled it off to listen to it and it is really nice.  Taper Eric Wilkens did a great job capturing this.  I also noticed that this show wasn't up on the SLR LMA page so I tagged all the files and got it posted up there.  No other edits were done to Eric's files other than tagging them and reconfiguring the ingo files.  Figured I might as well share it around.  Enjoy.  

Split Lip Rayfield

Aggie Theater 
Fort Collins CO (USA)

Recorded: Eric Wilkens
Presented: SxPxDxCx
Source: MBHO 603 hypers - left of sbd7' ORTF - UA5 dmod - JB3 44.1
Transfer: JB3 - ? - FLAC 
Time: (01:20:56)

01 - crowd -
02 Flat Black Rag
03 Devil
04 Old #6 
05 Easy Street
06 In The Ground
07 Record Shop
08 Moving To Virginia
09 Truth & Lies
10 Never Make It Home
11 PB24SS
12 $100 Bill
13 Redneck Tailgate Dream
14 Used To Be
15 Love Please Come Home
16 Rig Or Cross
17 River
18 Hounds
19 Cutie Pie
20 Pinball Machine
21 Outlaw
22 - encore -
23 instrumental
24 3.2 Flu
25 Kiss Of Death

Saturday, January 4, 2025

Quits @ Hi Dive, Denver CO, 2024-05-03 {RIP Luke Fairchild FID}


Sad to hear of the passing of Luke Fairchild.  He was in bands in Denver most all of his adult life.  Most well know being Git Some.  His other most active band at the moment was Quits.  Here is a Quits performance from back in May of 2024 at the Hi Dive.  Their last album called "Feeling It" is so good.

Condolences to all his close friends and family.  I got to know him sometime in the aughts I think and was all glad to run into him and shoot the shit.  He will be miss.


Hi Dive
Denver CO (USA)

Recorded and Presented: SxPxDxCx
Source: MBHO KA-200N - JK Labs DVC-V12 - M10 
Transfer: M10 - USB - Audition - CDWave - FLAC 
Time: (22:47.10)

(00:00) 01 unknown title
(02:36) 02 unknown title
(06:55) 03 unknown title
(11:13) 04 unknown title
(14:14) 05 Owe The Town
(18:45) 06 unknown title

Friday, January 3, 2025

Rex Hobart and The Misery Boys @ Benders Tavern, Denver CO, 2005-10-07

I lost a lot of my 2005 WAV files.  Some I lost forever and some I have found burned onto CDRs.  Including todays post.  A fantastic set from Kansas City band Rex Hobart and The Misery Boys live at Benders Tavern in Denver Colorado.  Back on October 7th 2005.  

I looked it up and it was a Friday night.  Rex talks about going to the big beer fest before the show. So this must have happened during the Great American Beer Fest that year.  I kind of recall that I went to the GABF and then came to this show afterwards.  It's only 74 minutes long but the sound guy has to tell the back to stop because it is literally closing time so this must have run late.  Sound guy also gave me a board feed and a killer mix.

I had kind of forgotten what fantastic songs Rex writes.  Great wordplay and a shit hot backing band.
Great fun revisiting this one today.  I had came across the CDR of this show.  I was sure it was never to been seen.  Enjoy.

Rex Hobart and The Misery Boys

Benders Tavern
Denver CO (USA)  

Recorded and Presented: SxPxDxCx
Source: SBD - JB3 - WAV
Transfer: WAV - Audition - CDWave - FLAC 
Time: (74:46.60)

01 Between a Rock and a Heartache 
02 Don't Make Me Break Your Heart 
03 Every Night I Leave You in My Mind 
04 Bridge Burners Union (Local 36) 
05 Let's Leave Me
06 I Don't Feel It Anymore
07 Wicked Savior
08 Wait Outside (While I Change) 
09 Take it Back (Before You Mean It)
10 Your Favorite Fool 
11 Are You Sure Hank Done It This Way (Waylon Jennings)
12 You've Got Some Cheating To Do
13 I'm Not Drunk Enough
14 I Don't Like that Mirror
15 The Only Hell My Momma Ever Raised (Johnny Paycheck)
16 Don't Start Counting On Me
17 Happy Birthday Broken Heart
18 Barstow Barstool
19 Another Bad Habit of Mine
20 Real Damn Band