Thursday, September 29, 2022

Belzebong @ Hi Dive, Denver CO, 2022-08-31


Denver is at a cross roads of 2 big interstates and is a long way from the next big concert markets.  So bands plotting tours out west almost always come to Denver.  Often there will be 2 or more great shows happening the same night.  The night of this Elder / Belzebong / Dreadnaught show at Hi Dive.  Spiritworld, 200 Stab Wounds, and Creeping Death was playing across the street at HQ.  Which I caught some of and recorded all of too.

One of my guidelines for which band to go see on nights like this is how far the band had to travel to get here.  If they have come from out of the county I almost always pick that band(s).  Underground metal bands have an uphill battle as it is but these days even getting into the US is difficult.  Many bands that were supposed to play Psycho Vegas this year who thought they had visas in hand were deigned entry into the county.

Belzebong is from Poland so they got bumped up to a must see.  No idea where I might ever get another chance to see them again.  Plus I love the heavy stoner doom they play.  They did not disappoint either.

Support underground venues and bands anyway you can if you love this stuff.  

Hats off the the FOH crew at the Hi Dive for always killing it.  I think it consistently sounds amazing in that room.  It's my favorite for heavy music in Denver.   I think this recording sounds really nice for those reasons.  Enjoy.


Hi Dive
Denver CO (USA)

Recorded and Presented: SxPxDxCx
Source: MBHO KA-200N > JK Labs DVC-V12 > M10 
Transfer: M10 > USB > Audition > CDWave > FLAC 
Time: (42:57.11)

01 - warm up -
02 Bong Thrower
03 Diabolical Dopenosis
04 Witch Rider
05 The Bong of Eternal Stench
06 Goat Smokin' Blues

Tuesday, September 20, 2022

Joe Bonamassa @ Bluebird Theater, Denver CO, 2007-01-27


I've enjoyed a lot of blues music over the years.  But I would consider myself a blues tourist for the most part.  I like to visit but I don't want to live there year round.  Which is how I found myself at Joe Bonamassa back in 2007.  I had never heard of him but my friend Twister talked me into coming out.

Not knowing how popular he was the show sold out and since my friend was already inside I paid a scalpers price and got in.  Joe was taper friendly at the time so we flew our mics on a tall stand right in front of the FOH area.  Sounds really great I think.  He gets really quite a few times during his set and the crowd was so into it there is minimal chatter.  

I'm not sure why I have never posted this up until now.  I took a look in the archive and had started to track it out back in February of 2007 and just gave up.  Sites like make it so much easier to figure out what was played these days.  Also the tourist thing.  I was more interested in posting stuff that I was really into.  

Joe has moved on to much bigger venues since 2007.  I would be surprised if he ever plays a venue as intimate as the Bluebird again.  He does a lot of covers in the set.  I'm not familiar enough with his catalog to know how his song selection rates to a fan.  Like I said this sounds really nice so please enjoy.

Joe Bonamassa

Bluebird Theater
Denver CO (USA)

Recorded and Presented: SxPxDxCx
Source: MBHO KA-200N > JK Labs DVC-V12 > JB3 
Transfer: JB3 > USB > Audition > CDWave > FLAC 
Time: (102:17.47)

01 Just Got Paid (ZZ Top)
02 Dazed and Confused (Led Zeppelin)
03 Walk in My Shadow (Free)
04 So Many Roads 
05 Mountain Time
06 Bridge To Better Days
07 A New Day Yesterday (Jethro Tull)
08 Spoonful
09 Miss You, Hate You
10 Woke Up Dreaming
11 Django
12 Had To Cry Today (Blind Faith)
13 - drum solo -
14 Heart of the Sunrise (Yes)
15 Starship Trooper (Yes)
16 Asking Around for You

Monday, September 19, 2022

Early Moods @ HQ, Denver CO, 2022-03-18


Early Moods formed in 2015 and plays a pretty straight ahead traditional doom metal.  Reminds me of Candlemass & Trouble for sure.  They have really started getting some attention this year and have a new self titled album out on Riding Easy.  They are up on bandcamp as well.  Go support these guys and lots of other fantastic artists on there.  I like them so much they are one of 2 bands that I caught twice at Psycho Vegas this year.

This show happened back in March of this year.  I sat on it for awhile since they played so many new songs.  

Early Moods

Denver CO (USA)

Recorded and Mastered: SxPxDxCx
Source: AT933 C > SP-SPSB-1 > M10
Transfer: M10 > USB > Adobe Audition > CDWave > FLAC 
Run time: (40:23.53)

01 Starless
02 Return To Salem's Gate
03 Live To Suffer
04 Isolated
05 Defy Who's Next
06 Early Moods
07 Damnation

Friday, September 16, 2022

Reverend Beat-Man, @ Three Kings, Denver CO, 2009-07-11


This show was my first time catching Reverend Beat-Man.  He is a performer from Switzerland who started as a solo act but has expanded that on occasion as he did with his group Monsters and when he toured and recorded with Nicole Izobel García.  He plays a primitive blues rock with some occasional crazy lyrics.

Reverend Beat-Man also runs Voodoo Rhythm Records since 1992 and puts out his own records and other "misfits" as he says.  Great label.  If you enjoy this go check it out and give him some money.

This show was part of ONE - The Denver International One-Man-Band Fest.  Put on by then Denver musician Alex Hebert who brought in one person acts from all over the US and the world back in 2009 for this amazing show.  The other acts included Magic Cyclops, Lady Uno, Mosquito Bandito, Delany Davidson, Limbs, Tom Vandenavond, Reverend Deadeye,Two Tears, & Honkyfinger.  

I've thought about presenting the entire fest worth of recordings on here but it is a project that I keep putting on the back burner.  I figured I would at least get up the Reverend Beat-Man set after all these years.

If you ever get a chance to see the good Reverend don't pass up the change.  Guy is one of a kind.

Reverend Beat-Man

ONE - The Denver International One-Man-Band Fest

Three Kings Tavern
Denver CO (USA)

Recorded and Presented: SxPxDxCx
Source: MBHO KA-200N > JK Labs DVC-V12 > M10 
Transfer: M10 > USB > Audition > CDWave > FLAC 
Time: (46:53.50)

01 - intro -
02 Back In Hell
03 Get On Your Knees
04 Tonight
05 Break Your Neck
06 I See the Light
07 Jesus
08 Why Oh Baby
09 Blue Suede Shoes (Carl Perkins)
10 Show Me How
11 Jesus Christ Twist
12 The Beat-Man Way
13 Then I'm Gonna Die
14 You Don't Know

Saturday, September 10, 2022

System Of A Down @ Fillmore, Denver CO, 2000-01-29


Here is another old one.  System Of A Down headlining the 2000 Sno Core tour stop in Denver at the Fillmore.  I mostly went to see Mr. Bungle but I was a SOAD fan.  I had first caught them back in 98 as part of a tour with Slayer and Clutch.  By 2000 they were on their way but not really big rock stars yet.

My memory of this show is pretty hazy being that it was 22 year ago.  I don't recall what happened but at some point Damon the guitarist must have gotten up on the crowd because he starts to complain about someone having taken one of this shoes.  After Darts he and some other band members try to compel the crowd to return the shoe with offers of shirts and weed.  I'm not sure if he ever got it back because at the very end he is still asking to get his shoe back.  He says it was his only pair.  It was January in Colorado too so he surely did need it. 

I also didn't recall that this was filmed for MTV2 and aired with some interview footage minus a few songs.  I never saw it back then or even recall hearing about it but there must have been signs up saying they were filming.  It's easy to find on Youtube if you want to check it out.

I'm sure I traded this out on CDR back then.  This is a fresh transfer from the master.  Newly adjusted, tracked and tagged.  I consider this an upgrade to the original CDR sources out there.  It's a bit muddy but the vocals are pretty clear.  The Fillmore has never sounded amazing.  Enjoy.

System Of A Down

Denver CO (USA)

Sno-Core 2000 Tour

Recorded and Presented: SxPxDxCx
Source: CSBs > Sharp 722 minidisc
Transfer: Sony MDS-JE330 > Audition > CDWave > FLAC
Time: (56:16.53)

01 Suite-Pee
02 X
03 Suggestions
04 Mind
05 Know
06 Snowblind (Black Sabbath)
07 DAM
08 Spiders
09 DDevil
10 Marmalade
11 Darts
12 - missing shoe interlude -
13 Chic 'N' Stu
14 Soil
15 Peephole
16 War?
17 Sugar

Friday, September 2, 2022

Primus @ Ogden Theatre, Denver CO, 1999-07-02


Here is one from way back.  23 years ago.  Primus was still touring behind the Brown Album and was part of Ozzfest in the summer of 1999.  Ozzfest didn't come to Denver this year  so on this off night Primus was flown in for this Ogden show.  Les talks about it the middle of one of the songs.

The setlist is stacked full of bangers and as a special treat Buckethead comes out and joins them during two songs.  This was a few months before their new album Antipop came out but they play the title track on this night as well.   

At this show Denver gothic country band Slim Cessna's Auto Club opened up.  And boy did they not get a warm welcome from the Primus crowd.  SCAC didn't care and played on.  I think I will post up their set from this night next.

I hadn't listened to this one in a long time.  I forget what a good job those CSB mics did with the oud stuff.  My audio manipulation skills have come a long way since 1999 too.  So if you have this from the CDR trading days consider this an upgrade.


Ogden Theater 
Denver CO (USA)

Recorded and Presented: SxPxDxCx
Source: CSBs > Sharp 722 minidisc
Transfer: Sony MDS-JE330 > Audition > CDWave > FLAC
Time: (94:27.03)

01 John The Fisherman
02 Defy The Laws Of Tradition
03 Here Come The Bastards
04 Duchess and the Proverbial Mind Spread
05 Groundhog Day
06 Those Damned Bluecollar Tweekers #
07 Jerry Was A Race Car Driver
08 Puddin' Taine
09 My Name Is Mud
10 Willy Wonka 
11 Too Many Puppies > Hello Skinny
12 Antipop
13 Harold Of The Rocks
14 South Park Theme
15 - encore -
16 Tommy The Cat #

# With Buckethead