Tuesday, December 31, 2024

Schizophonics @ Hi Dive, Denver CO, 2024-03-18


This was my first time catching San Diego band Schizophonics live.  Hopefully it won't be the last.  They are a super high energy rock n roll extravaganza.  Start to finish.  What a good time.

I figured this early 2024 show would be a good end of 2024 post.  Happy New Year.


Hi Dive
Denver CO (USA)

Recorded and Presented: SxPxDxCx
Source: MBHO KA-200N - JK Labs DVC-V12 - M10 
Transfer: M10 - USB - Audition - CDWave - FLAC 
Time: (66:43.55)

01 Black to Comm (MC5)
02 Steely Eyed Lady
03 Locomotive
04 Streets of Heaven and Hell
05 Creature
06 Desert Girl
07 Little Cobra
08 Something's Got to Give
09 The Alchemist Twist
10 Nine Miles
11 Human Nature
12 The One I Want
13 Pendulum
14 Looking at You (MC5)
15 Hoof It
16 Peppermint Twist (Joey Dee & the Starliters)

Saturday, December 21, 2024

Hotline TNT @ Marquis Theater, Denver CO, 2024-06-15


Great newish band Hotline TNT came through Denver earlier this year.  I loved the album "Cartwheel" that they put out last year.  Was excited to catch them live.  The show was put on as an afterparty to an event that Thrasher Magazine did earlier in the day.  Crowd was full of real young kids maybe seeing their first real show and actual mosh pit.  It was pretty fun to see.

Hotline TNT was loud!!  Great varied setlist and a new song even.  Good times.

Hotline TNT

Marquis Theater
Denver CO (USA)

Recorded and Presented: SxPxDxCx
Source: AT933 - SPSPSB20 - SPATEN6 - AIMicro - S20
Transfer: S20 - USB - Adobe Audition - CDWave - FLAC 
Run time: (44:56.71)

01 Protocol
02 Son in Law
03 I Thought You'd Change
04 new song
05 - interlude -
06 Stampede
07 - merch toss -
08 Trinity
09 History Channel
10 Lawyers in Love
11 Had 2 Try
12 - encore -
13 Are U Faded

Tuesday, December 17, 2024

Brian Setzer Orchestra @ The Filmore, Denver CO, 1999-08-09


Here is one from when the big band revival at the time stalked the earth.   A lot of that wasn't my bag necessarily but Brian Setzer always got a pass from me since I am a big Stray Cats fan.  He has a hot shit road tested orchestra at this point in 1999.  Mr. Setzer is doing it right.

This was not long after the change over from the Mammoth Events Center to the Fillmore.  Brian Setzer comments on how nice the fixed up the place.  Mammoth was a run down dump.  Charming but it needed some work.

I think this sounds pretty good for a show in that room too.  I haven't listened to this since the early aughts.  Was pleasantly surprised and decided to share it. Enjoy.

Brian Setzer Orchestra

The Filmore
Denver CO (USA)

Recorded and Presented: SxPxDxCx
Source: Coresound CSB's - Sharp 722 minidisc
Transfer: Sony MDS-JE330 - UAC222 - Audition - CDWave - FLAC 
Time: (80:56.70) 

01 Hawaii Five-O ((Mort Stevens and His Orchestra)
02 Hoodoo Voodoo Doll
03 This Cats on a Hot Tin Roof
04 Let The Good Times Roll (Louis Jordan)
05 Guitar Rag (Stray Cats)
06 Lets Live It Up
07 Gloria (The Cadillacs)
08 The Dirty Boogie
09 Drive Like Lightning, Crash Like Thunder
10 Sleepwalk (Santo & Johnny)
11 Stray Cat Strut (Stray Cats)
12 Jump Jive An' Wail (Louis Prima)
13 49' Mercury Blues
14 (Every Time I Hear) That Mellow Saxophone (Roy Montrell)
15 Rumble In Brighton (Stray Cats)
   - encore 1 -
16 Rock This Town (Stray Cats)
17 - encore 2 -
18 Mack The Knife
19 Jammin' East Of Java
20 Malagueña (Ernesto Lecuona)
21 Brand New Cadillac (Vince Taylor & The Playboys) 

Saturday, December 14, 2024

Son Volt @ Bluebird Theatre, Denver CO, 1995-12-16


On the beer stained battlefields of the alt.country wars in the mid 90s lines were drawn and sides were chosen.  After Uncle Tupelo split, into the bands Wilco and Son Volt, fan divisions were stark.  As you will hear on this recording.  Towards the start and occasionally through out the show an enthusiastic fan will holler "Fuck Wilco!".   Seem harsh now but that is just how it was down in the trenches.

This is another of the MarcR DATs.  What a great capture.  Hell of a setlist too.  Lots of Son Volt songs from the then brand new album Trace.  Six Uncle Tupelo songs and a few other choice covers.  What a gem of a show. Enjoy

Son Volt

Bluebird Theatre
Denver CO (USA)

Recorded: MarcR
Transferred and Presented: SxPxDxCx
Source: MarcR binaural mics - D7 - DAT
Transfer: DAT - D100 - Oade Digi I/O-A - DAC - AAE-9 - Audition - CDWave - FLAC
Time: (75:34.50)

01 - warm up -
02 Route
03 Loose String
04 Catching On
05 Live Free
06 Anodyne (Uncle Tupelo)
07 Windfall
08 Slate (Uncle Tupelo)
09 Out of the Picture
10 Tear Stained Eye
11 Ten Second News
12 Fifteen Keys (Uncle Tupelo)
13 Drown
14 Looking for a Way Out (Uncle Tupelo)
15 Chickamauga (Uncle Tupelo)
16 - encore -
17 Grindstone (Uncle Tupelo)
18 Too Early
19 She’s More To Be Pitied (Stanley Brothers)
20 Going, Going, Gone (Bob Dylan)
21 Looking at the World Through a Windshield (Del Reeves)

Wednesday, December 11, 2024

X & Rhett Miller @ LODO Music Fest, Denver CO, 2003-07-19


Here is a fun double feature from right after the turn of the century.  For a bunch of years near the baseball park in downtown Denver there was the LODO Music Fest.  Always and interesting a diverse lineup.  In 2003 it included Joan Osborne, X, Medeski Martin Wood, BoDeans, Dark Star Orchestra, Ohio Players, Rhett Miller, Steel Pulse, Blind Boys of Alabama, Radiators, Iguanas, Rob Base Kurtis Blow, Camper Van Beethoven.  

They must have been cool with tapers because I recall my friend Tom flying his mics on a stand.  Maybe we knew the sound person.  Too long ago to remember.  Tom recorded X & Rhett Miller from Old 97s that day.  I bet he recorded Camper too.  I need to see if I have that one. In the meantime here are sets from Rhett Miller and X.  

There is a fun overlap between these two.  On the Old 97's album 'Too Far To Care' Exene Cervenka from the band X sings on their song 'Four Leaf Clover'.  About midway though Rhett's solo set on this day he expresses his love for the band X and covers X's song 'Dancing with Tears in My Eyes'.  Two songs later Rhett is joined by Exene to sing 'Four Leaf Clover'.  I was so thrilled.  Still was listening back all these years later.

Rhett plays a nice mix of new solo album songs, Old 97s songs, and some fun covers.

X's set is all hits.  As is every show they play.  I'm a gigantic fan.  They have announce that they are doing their last tour ever.  Covering 2024 into 2025.  I missed this years Denver show.  I hope perhaps we might get one more chance in Denver.  Fingers crossed.  If not I got to see them lots and lots of times.

I had been wanting to share this stellar recording Tom made for awhile.  Had a great time listening to this one and thinking about that time.  Enjoy.


LODO Music Fest
Denver CO (USA)

Recorded by: Tom Chaffin
Presented by: SxPxDxCx
Source: Microtech Gefell m300s - Sonosax SX-M2 - DAT
Transfer: DAT - ? - CDR - EAC - Audition - CDWave - FLAC
Time: (67:57.44)

01 - intro -
02 Your Phone's Off the Hook, But You're Not
03 In This House That I Call Home
04 We're Desperate
05 I'm Coming Over
06 Riding With Mary
07 Sugarlight
08 Beyond and Back
09 Breathless (Otis Blackwell)
10 Los Angeles
11 The Unheard Music
12 The New World
13 The Once Over Twice
14 It's Who You Know
15 Nausea
16 Johny Hit and Run Paulene
17 True Love
18 Motel Room in My Bed
19 The World's a Mess, It's in My Kiss
   - encore -
20 The Hungry Wolf
21 Year 1
22 Soul Kitchen (The Doors)
   - encore 2 -
23 Because I Do
24 Devil Doll

Rhett Miller

LODO Music Fest
Denver CO (USA)

Recorded by: Tom Chaffin
Presented by: SxPxDxCx
Source: Microtech Gefell m300s - Sonosax SX-M2 - DAT
Transfer: DAT - ? - CDR - EAC - Audition - CDWave - FLAC
Time: (68:05.45)

01 - intro -
02 Bel Air
03 Melt Show
04 Things That Disappear
05 Curtain Calls
06 Point Shirley
07 Streets of Where I'm From
08 Hover
09 Question
10 Dancing with Tears in My Eyes (X)
11 The El
12 Four Leaf Clover (W Exene Cervenka)
13 World Inside the World
14 Can't Help Falling in Love (Elvis Presley)
15 Rollerskate Skinny
16 Barrier Reef
17 Come Around
18 Big Brown Eyes
19 Ziggy Stardust (David Bowie)
20 Murder (Or a Heart Attack)
21 Doreen
22 Our Love

Tuesday, December 10, 2024

Sleep @ Gothic Theater, Englewood CO, 2010-09-05


I first posted this show 2 days after it happened back in 2010.  I was that excited to share Sleep's return to Denver.  I had been thinking about posting this up on my YT channel for awhile.  Finally sat down and gave it a full listen for the first time in a long time and decided to go for it.

Parts of this show were used for the Sleep Live in Denver CO "bootleg" put out on Chalker Place Records in 2012.  I missed out on the original sale of 420 copies on pot green.  They had a 30 second sample on their webpage and I was 99% certain that it was my recording.   

I inquired to the label about the origin of the recording and they replied that "they didn't know where it came from, but would I want a copy?".  I said yes and was sent a non numbered copy.  Once I dropped the needle on it, about 45 seconds in, I can hear myself let out a "whoo".  It has to be my source.  Plus I've never seen another source pop up.  It's neat to have a recording you made on vinyl even if I don't get a credit.  There are certainly more copies than 420 out there as I saw the band selling copies on tour in 2014.

I knocked off a few of the rough edges and corrected the tracking for this post.  It reminded me how hella loud this show was.  Lemmy would have been proud. Warts and all.  Good times.


Gothic Theater
Englewood CO (USA)  

Recorded and Presented: SxPxDxCx
Source: MBHO KA-200N - JK Labs DVC-V12  - JB3 
Transfer: JB3 - USB - Audition - CDWave - FLAC 
Time: (117:27.74)

01 Dopesmoker (Intro)
02 Holy Mountain
03 Dragonaut
04 Evil Gypsy - Solomon's Theme
05 Aquarian
06 - Some Grass interlude -
07 Nain's Baptism
08 Inside the Sun
09 The Druid
10 - interlude -
11 From Beyond
12 Proceeds the Weedian
13 - interlude -
14 Over the Mountain (Ozzy)
15 Antarcticans Thawed
16 Cultivator
17 Improved Morris