Monday, July 1, 2024

Red Fang @ Bluebird Theatre, Denver CO, 2024-06-29


There are more good shows happening in Denver then I could ever hope to go to let alone record.  So I'm glad there are fellow tapers out there like bluejane99 catching stuff that I don't.  He shared this very fresh Red Fang with me to share on my blog.

Hard to believe that their self titles LP came out over 15 years ago.  I have 2009 show of theirs at 3 Kings posted on here.  They play 4 songs from it with a mix of newer rockers.  Sounded like it was a good show.  Sounds pretty good too.  Enjoy.

Red Fang

Bluebird Theatre
Denver CO (USA)

Recorded by & photo credit: bluejane99, 
Presented by: SxPxDxCx
Source: Olympus LS-P4 (16/44) > WAV
Transfer: WAV > Audition > CDWave > FLAC 
Time: (67.12.25)

02 Hank Is Dead
03 Throw Up
04 Blood Like Cream
05 Malverde
06 Crows in Swine
07 Arrows
08 Antidote
09 Wires
10 Reverse Thunder
11 Dirt Wizard
12 Number Thirteen
13 Good to Die
14 Bird on Fire
15 Prehistoric Dog