I started this blog in September of 2009 as a outlet for all of my recordings. Live recordings are certainly not everyone's thing so I don't get a lot of visitors, comments, or downloads even. But over the years I have had plenty of people thank me for shows or doing what I do. I appreciate that so much.
Today starts the 13 post countdown to the 666th ThatsTheThingAboutThat post. I have found some gems combing through the archive. I look forward to sharing these with you in the coming months.
First up a 2008 recording of Joe Preston's project Thrones. Joe had played with a ton of people over the years including Earth, Melvins, Men's Recovery Project, The Need, High on Fire, Harvey Milk, Sunn O))), and Sumac. He came through Denver a few times in the aughts.
This was a fun show with locals Munimula and 19 AD opening up. It starts off a little quiet and the crowd is a bit chatty but before long he turns it up and it sounds good I think. Enjoy.
Three Kings Tavern
Denver CO (USA)
Recorded and Presented By: SxPxDxCx
Source: MBHO KA-200N - JK Labs DVC-V12 - JB3
Transfer: JB3 - USB - Cooledit - CDWave - FLAC
Time: (38:06.70)
01 Ephraim
02 unknown title
03 Hulder Maiden
04 Trmph Lfe
05 Wage War
06 Anguish Of Bears
07 Obolus