Friday, March 14, 2025

Primus @ Mammoth Events Center, Denver CO, 1995-12-10


Here is the 9 of 13 post on the way down to post 666.  The countdown continues.

Today I present another of the MarcR recordings.  This time a show from Primus at the Mammoth Event Center (aka Fillmore) in Denver on December 10th 1995.  They were on tour for Tales From The Punchbowl and Les says this was the last night of their tour.  I did some looking around and I can't seem to find this show posted anywhere else so this is either uncirculated or barely circulated.

"Wynona's Big Brown Beaver" was their hit at the time.  They play it early in the set and Les introduces it saying "Ok lets get this over with".   Ha Ha.

Pretty varied setlist with songs from across their catalog.  I think MarcR must have recorded this up in the balcony.  The crowd sounds mostly distant except for a few people shouting out for songs.  Marc got a good pull here which can be hard to do in this room.  Enjoy.


Mammoth Events Center
Denver CO (USA)

Recorded: MarcR
Transferred and Presented: SxPxDxCx
Source: MarcR binaural mics - D7 - DAT
Transfer: DAT - D100 - Oade Digi I/O-A - DAC - AAE-9 - Audition - CDWave - FLAC
Time: (89:22.28)

01 - intro -
02 Here Come the Bastards
03 John the Fisherman
04 American Life
05 Wynona's Big Brown Beaver
06 Those Damned Blue-Collar Tweekers
07 Professor Nutbutter's House of Treats
08 Del Davis Tree Farm
09 De Anza Jig
10 Seas of Cheese
11 Pork Soda
12 Nature Boy
13 Hello Skinny (The Residents)
14 Nature Boy (cont.)
15 My Name Is Mud
16 Over the Electric Grapevine
17 Jerry Was a Race Car Driver
18 - encore -
19 Southbound Pachyderm
20 Tommy the Cat

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